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Agrostis publications


Agrostis founder, Tim Lodge, has written extensively on sports surface technology in the industry press throughout his career, building on his research work which itself generated numerous academic publications. He is also the inventor of the ‘Golf Green Smoothness Meter’ (Pat. No. GB2442787)

Academic Publications

​Tim Lodge has the only fine turf maintenance and construction oriented PhD in the UK. This was acquired in 1994 from the University of Leeds with a thesis entitled ‘The Construction, Irrigation and Fertiliser Nutrition of UK Golf Greens'. This is available in the Edward Boyle Library at the University of Leeds. The funding for this research was provided by The R&A.

Other work with which Tim was involved and which led to numerous publications includes the ‘Golf Standards Project’ – a nationwide survey of scientific aspects of golf green form and structure (1994 to 1995), also funded by The R&A.

Lodge T A & Pilbeam D J (1994) A method of classifying the quality of golf green turf. Science and Golf II. Proceedings of the World Scientific Congress of Golf. (Ed. A.J. Cochran & M.R. Farrally), E. & F.N. Spon, London 419-424.​

Thirteen papers in J. Sports Turf Res. Inst. between 1990 and 1996. These papers may be obtained from appropriate academic libraries and are available online through the Turfgrass Information File at Michigan State University.


Their titles include:

Sand Golf Greens - Cover and botanical composition - 1990
Sand Golf Greens - Rootzone chemical composition - 1990

Construction, Irrigation and Fertiliser Nutrition of Golf Greens - Botanical and reflectance measurements after establishment and during the first year of differential irrigation and nutrition treatments - 1991

Construction, Irrigation and Fertiliser Nutrition of Golf Greens - Golf ball behaviour - 1992

Construction, Irrigation and Fertiliser Nutrition of Golf Greens - Soil moisture content and evapotranspiration rates - 1992

Construction, Irrigation and Fertiliser Nutrition of Golf Greens - Porosity, moisture release characteristics and infiltration rates - 1993

Construction, Irrigation and Fertiliser Nutrition of Golf Greens - Botanical and soil chemical measurements over 3 years - 1993

Technical Note: - An apparatus for measuring green ‘speed'. (1992). 
A survey of golf greens in Great Britain - Soil properties. (1995).
A survey of golf greens in Great Britain - Sward characteristics. (1995).

A survey of golf greens in Great Britain - Questionnaire data on the performance and maintenance of greens. (1995).

A survey of golf greens in Great Britain - Playing quality. (1996).

Also, from a Previous Life:

Davies, W.J., Metcalfe, J., Lodge, T.A. & da Costa, A.R. (1986). Plant growth substances and the regulation of growth under drought. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 13, 105 - 125.

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