We are committed to remaining independent consultants and so we have no commercial ties with any commercial companies. We are well known within industry, however, and we have built up an extensive and strong network of clients, companies and institutions. Here are some of our most significant associations.
SAPCA - Sport And Play Construction Association
Agrostis have been members of the ‘Professional Services’ section of SAPCA since 2014. SAPCA’s role is to foster excellence, professionalism and continuous improvement, in order to provide the high quality facilities needed at all levels of sport, physical activity, recreation and play. In this they are undoubtedly and internationally recognised authority.
RIPTA - Register of Independent Professional Turfgrass Agronomists
Started in 2002, ​Dr. Tim Lodge is a founding member and Treasurer of RIPTA (Register of Independent Professional Turfgrass Agronomists). RIPTA is the register of qualified and experienced consultants providing professional services in natural turf.
Agrostis are registered with Constructionline, the UK’s largest register for pre-qualified contractors and consultants. Constructionline identify suppliers to government standards to ensure direct relevance to procurement professionals within the construction industry (click logo to download certificate).
GMA - Grounds Management Association, formerly Institute of Groundsmanship
Agrostis are Corporate Members of the IOG (Institute of Groundsmanship). A not-for-profit membership organisation, the GMA promotes and protects the interests of the professionals and volunteers who make sport possible by keeping green spaces and playing surfaces safe, accessible, and sustainable across educational establishments, community facilities, and sports clubs at grassroots, amateur, and professional levels.